The Navy SBIR/STTR Firm Portal is for Navy awardees. The website allows firms to upload or view items related to their Phase I and Phase II awards. Access to this website is granted through the use of a firm-specific upload code (previously called a password). The website will permit anyone having a firm upload code to upload a document, but uploaded documents cannot be viewed or deleted.
The following is available on this website:
Contract Deliverables
Upload contract deliverables (e.g. Progress Reports, Final Reports, Initial Phase II Proposal, etc.). Deliverables must comply with instructions and deliverable distribution statements provided in your contract. The requirement for submission of summary reports has been eliminated.
Success Stories
Upload a success story. Success stories should be non-proprietary and may appear in the Navy’s search database located at www.navysbirsearch.com. The non-proprietary information in the success stories should be detailed enough to provide interested transition partners with enough information to understand the potential use and benefit to their program.
View abstracts for awarded projects. Abstracts include summary contract information, project title, abstract, benefit and keywords.
If you have an award from any other agency (i.e. MDA, OSD, CBD, etc.), you cannot access this website. This site is for Navy topic awardees only. Do NOT upload classified information to this site.
refer to this PDF Firm Guide for Uploading Deliverables. If you have any further questions about the usage of this site please contact Navy SBIR Help Desk
at usn.pentagon.cnr-arlington-va.mbx.navy-sbir-sttr@us.navy.mil. Questions related to your deliverables or their content should be addressed to your technical point of contact listed in your contract.